2023-2024 Resolutions
Senate Resolution 2324 - 001 (Confirm Justice Singh)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 002 (Confirm Justice Johnson)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 003 (Confirm Justice Little)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 004 (Confirm Justice Fulton)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 005 (Confirm Justice Schulz)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 006 (Confirm Director Fryrear)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 007 (Confirm Director Olmstead)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 008 (Confirm Director Stubbs)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 009 (Confirm Director Galang)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 010 (Confirm Director Green)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 011 (Fiscal Year Budget)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 0012 (Welcome Zach Williams)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 0013 (Grant Funds to IRHA)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 014 (Endorse Screenwriters at Butler)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 015 (Grant Funds to Butler Survivors Alliance)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 016 (Endorse Army ROTC)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 017 (Endorse Collar Academy)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 018 (Endorse Bulldogs Boxing Club)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 019 (Endorse Collective of Professional Accounting Students)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 020 (Confirm Senator Martinez)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 021 (Grant Funds to Black Christian Fellowship)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 022 (Grant Funds to Leading Women of Tomorrow)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 023 (Grant Funds to South Asian Student Association)
Senate Resolution 2324-024 (Endorse College Democrats of Indiana)
Senate Resolution 2324-025 (Endorse Jiu Jitsu and Wrestling Club)
Senate Resolution 2324-026 (Confirm Senator Brecken Panse)
Senate Resolution 2324-027 (Confirm Senator Megan Drake)
Senate Resolution 2324-028 (Grant Funds to Business in Healthcare)
Senate Resolution 2324-029 (Grant Funds to Gender Equity Movement)
Senate Resolution 2324-030 (Grant Funds to Peace and Politics Student Association)
Senate Resolution 2324-031 (Grant Funds to Students for Justice in Palestine)
Senate Resolution 2324-032 (Grant Funds to Bulldogs for Universal Design)
Senate Resolution 2324-033 (Grant Funds to Association for Computing Machinery) [VETOED]
Senate Resolution 2324-035 (Grant Funds to Butler Cru)
Senate Resolution 2324-036 (Grant Funds to DECA)
Senate Resolution 2324-037 (Grant Funds to Philosophy Club)
Senate Resolution 2324-038 (Congratulate New Director of Student Advocacy Jules Grable)
Senate Resolution 2324-039 (Allocate Funding to New Ice Machine)
Senate Resolution 2324-040 (Allocate Funding to Holiday Lights)
Senate Resolution 2324-041 (Grant Funds to Butler Survivors Alliance)
Senate Resolution 2324-0042 (Grant Funds to Muslim Student Association)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 043 (Grant Funds to Jiu Jitzu and Wrestling Club) [FAILED]
Senate Resolution 2324-044 (Amend the General Bylaws Concerning the Student Government Association Grant Process)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 045 (Endorse Rho Psi Eta)
Senate Resolution 2324-046 (Grant Funds to Butler Dance Club)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 047 (Grant Funds to Asian and Pacific Islander Alliance)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 048 (Grant Funds to Christian Healthcare Providers) [VETOED]
Senate Resolution 2324 - 049 (Grand Funds to International Business Organization)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 050 (Confirm Elijah Heslop as Executive Vice President)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 051 (Endorse Speech and Debate)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 052 (Confirm Mason Kebrdle)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 053 (Update the Election Oversight Guidelines)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 054 (Confirm Senator Joy Brown)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 055 (Confirm Senator William Steiner)
Senate resolution 2324 - 056 (Endorse Spanish Medical Club)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 057 (Allocate Funds to Black Student Union)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 058 (Allocate Funding to a New Accessible Ramp for the Reilly Room Stage)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 059 (Confirm Director Sydney Taylor)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 060 (Confirm Director Ellie Hanlon)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 061 (Confirm Senator Aaric Hager)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 062 (Grant Funds to Bookish Bulldogs) [FAILED]
Senate Resolution 2324 - 063 (Grant Funds to Gender Equity Movement)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 064 (Grant Funds to Students of Color Allied in Healthcare)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 065 (Endorse Residence Hall Association)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 066 (Endorse Magic and Gathering)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 067 (Confirm Director Olivia Coy)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 068 (Move the March 6th, 2024 Student Senate Meeting to a Paper Meeting)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 069 (Fund Quizlet Premium for Finals Month(s))
Senate Resolution 2324 - 070 (Endorse Sports Business)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 071 (Amend the General Bylaws Concerning the Student Organization Grant Process)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 072 (Grant Funds to Model UN)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 073 (Amend the General Bylaws Concerning the Endorsement of Student Organizations)
Senate Resolution 2324-074 (Grant Funds to Dance Club)
Senate Resolution 2324-075 (Grant Funds to Hellenic Student Association)
Senate Resolution 2324-076 (Approve Funding for the Student Leadership Banquet)Senate Resolution 2324-075 (Grant Funds to Hellenic Student Association)
Senate Resolution 2324-077 (Endorse Personal Finance Club)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 078 (Endorse Marketing Club)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 079 (Endorse Self Defense Club)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 080 (Grant Funds to Muslim Student Association)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 081 (Grant Funds to American Pharmacists Association Academy of Student Pharmacists)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 082 (Grant Funds to Eco Reps)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 083 (Grant Funds to Retail Club)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 084 (Grant Funds to Bookish Bulldogs)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 085 (Grant Funds to Rho Psi Eta)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 086 (Amend the General Bylaws Concerning Awards, Recognition, and Scholarships)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 087 (Allocate Funding to Mental Health Bags)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 088 (Allocate Rosa Trippel the Service to the Student Body Award)
Senate Resolution 2324 - 089 (Allocate Officer Grimes the Faculty and Staff Service to the Student Body Award
Senate Resolution 2324 - 090 (Allocate Joseph Ader the Faculty and Staff Service to the Student Body Award)