Executive Order 2122-008: Gender Affirmation Closet Fund Allocation

On March 31st, Executive Order 2122-008 was signed by Student Body President Will Gigerich. The Executive Order allocates funds to creating a Gender Affirmation Closet for transgender, nonbinary and gender nonconforming students to utilize.

Lucy Olmstead |  lolmstead@butler.edu

On March 31st, 2022, Student Body President, Will Gigerich, signed the Executive Order to allocate funds to the Office of Health Promotion & Wellness for the distribution of gender-affirming items. This is the start of Butler University’s Gender Affirmation Closet.

The initial grant request was passed by the Senate on February 16th, where Butler’s LGBTQIA+ Alliance asked for $4,717.54. However, on February 25th, a legislative veto was signed by Gigerich concerning the grant stating that, “[Gigerich] questioned whether or not a student organization should be responsible for the initiative due to concerns of inclusiveness, confidentiality, longevity, and security.” The original grant requested a gender affirmation closet to be created/operated by the LGBTQIA+ Alliance, which became the origin of Gigerich’s skepticism.

“The executive order that I wrote and signed provides seed funding to the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness for the establishment of the Gender Affirmation Closet under their purview,” Gigerich said as he discussed his recently signed executive order, giving more oversight to BUBeWell, rather than a student-run organization. “BUBeWell was very receptive to this initiative. I am incredibly grateful for the dedication of Katie Wood, the Assistant Director of Health Promotion and Wellness, to making this initiative a reality. Because this initiative is about providing holistic student well-being, I wanted to involve BUBeWell in its execution. They have the knowledge and processes to run the Gender Affirmation Closet in a way that is efficient and effective. Furthermore, as interest in student organization involvement ebbs and flows, BUBeWell will be able to continue this important initiative.” Gigerich said.

While talking to Katie Wood, she explained that, “supporting students’ well-being is central to BUBeWell’s mission. Well-being is multifaceted and this initiative is just another way that we can support Butler’s students.” 

Wood also discussed the ways that this initiative could be handled, even similarly to some of BUBeWell’s current resources, such as the sexual health supply service. However, Wood stated that, “I believe it will be up to the input, feedback and the voices of students who will utilize the Gender Affirmation Closet to morph and shape the program as it moves forward. I’m here to support however I can, in whatever way makes the most sense.”

The grant is just the beginning of the Gender Affirmation Closet, as it is intended to lay a foundation for the program. “The seed money is in the process of being transferred to the Office of Health Promotion and Wellness’ account… when that is complete, the process of fulfillment for gender affirmation items will begin.” Gigerich said.  These items include chest binders, packing underwear, gaff panties, jockstraps, packers and other accessories.

When asked about what he hopes students will gain from the closet, Gigerich stated, “I hope that students will recognize that SGA cares about their well-being and access to the gender-affirming items that they need.”

Both Gigerich and Wood hope to continue the partnership between SGA and BUBeWell as time progresses. “Students in each administration come up with great ideas and I'd love to, as a staff member, help those move forward and make them sustainable--to be a legacy through multiple administrations. BUBeWell is intended for ALL students, and ideally SGA is, as well - so I think that's a very natural partnership.” Wood explained as she touched on the organization’s interactions with one another.

Even though Gigerich transferred control to BUBeWell when the initial grant was requested by the LGBTQIA+ Alliance, he explained that “I believe [their] work is incredibly important. I hope that the relationship between SGA and the LGBTQIA+ Alliance is able to improve through greater communication and collaboration opportunities. SGA has supported the LGBTQIA+ Alliance in the past (including this past year) through its grants process. I expect this to continue in the future.”

If you are interested in contributing to the Gender Affirmation Closet, material donations can be made through the LGBTQIA+ Alliance’s office. Monetary donations will be accepted through Formstack, using the LGBTQIA+ Alliance’s Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, through the QR code located outside their office or through check.


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