Student Organization Spotlight - Butler Global Supply Chain Club

The following is an overview of the student-run organization, Butler Global Supply Chain Club. This organization is one of the business clubs offered at Butler.

Maya Illanes | 

Butler’s Global Supply Chain Management Organization works to provide a forum for members of the Butler community to converse, interact, and learn. They utilize real-life examples of effective supply chain management and logistics in real organizations. 

The organization falls under the category of one of Butler’s business clubs but is open to any student interested from Butler’s campus. Any student curious and wanting to learn new skill sets and grow their career opportunities in supply chain management is encouraged to join. 

The club operations focus mainly on visiting physical locations and seeing global supply chain processes in person, which made it difficult for the organization to survive during Covid. Within the past three years, the club has had a major resurgence in activity and student interest. 

The two co-presidents, Max Lauerman and Kaitlyn Rines have worked hard this year to create and plan many valuable opportunities for the members of the club. The club is managed by Professor Caito and Dr. Siegler alongside the students, and together they foster a hard-working and motivating environment that is beneficial to all members. 

There are no physical weekly meetings for this club. Once a student has joined, they are added to the club’s email chain and receive emails regarding opportunities to listen to guest speakers and for trips to businesses. The club provides many great opportunities for students looking to network and make a presence in the supply chain industry. 

Lauerman is extremely passionate about the club and is grateful that his and Kaitlyn’s work for the club could provide so many experiences for all members. He says that his favorite thing the club has provided is the “opportunity to network with some very unique and very special individuals that know a lot about the industry and know a lot of people which is key coming into the workforce”. 

The most exciting aspect of the club according to Lauerman is the trips that are planned to give students an outlook into different supply chain management processes and operations around the Indianapolis area. This year, Lauerman’s favorite trip the club took was to the IU Health distribution center. Students got to see the distribution of medicine and the mechanized processes that are utilized, offering a very hands-on and valuable experience for the members of the club. 

The club even plans day trips to other states to offer more exposure to different companies and how they operate. The organization has provided and will continue to provide many incredible opportunities for Butler students looking for a job, internships, or looking to network. 

If interested in joining the Butler Global Supply Chain Club, students should contact Max Lauerman at or Kaitlyn Rines at


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