SGA Updates: 11/28/23 - 12/4/23
The following is an overview from the previous week regarding updates on various branches, boards, and committees of SGA.
Maya Illanes |
The Executive Branch has been busy planning the end-of-semester and finals week activities. Julia Fryrear, the Director of Mental Health and Well-Being, shares about the “Paws and Think” event that was held this past week at Irvington. Students could come and take a break before the start of exam week and the end of the semester. Fryrear also shares plans in the works for finals week relaxation opportunities on campus.
Lauren Stubbs, the Director of Diversity, Equity, and Student Belonging, shares that they successfully presented their last DEI Training on Gender and Sexuality. DESB has completed all of its community outreach events and DEI trainings for SGA for this semester.
The Director of Finance and Facilities, Bryan Galang, shares about the successful tabling for sustainability, campus safety, and accessibility that took place last week.
The Legislative Branch has been working on upcoming new projects to bring to campus. Nick Durst of the Student Activities Committee announces that they will be having their outreach event soon.