Senate Spotlight - Feb. 16, 2023

In their most recent meeting, the Senate passed new legislation into order, approved new student organizations and grants, and reflected on successful committee events. The SGA Student Senate convened on Feb. 15 at 7 pm in the Atherton Union Reilly Room.

Heidi Copple |

The Senate meeting began by officially passing two executive orders into immediate effect. The first, 2223 - 011, passed the complete style guide for official SGA public relations use. Later in the meeting, the executive order was codified into law. All SGA officials will now need to use the official promotional materials when posting anything related to SGA on any medium.

The second executive order, 2223 - 012, was passed shortly after. This order passed the purchase of personal safety devices for Butler students. People between the ages of 19 - 24 are more likely to be affected by violent crime. Therefore, SGA will distribute these safety devices through the Spring 2023 semester for the betterment of students.

A new student organization, the Taekwondo Club, became officially established at Butler thanks to the passing Senate vote. They are looking to create a safe space for recreational Taekwondo for students at any level. Their executive board members have over five years of experience and want to connect with other interested students.

“The most notable part of tonight’s meeting was when we approved new student organizations. I think the campus always benefits when there are more clubs and special interest organizations on campus,” said Nick Durst, LAS Senator.

Butler Cru held a grant presentation to obtain funding for a spring break mission trip. On this trip, students in Butler Cru plan to go to Cuba to assist with labor in underdeveloped areas. Cru is fundraising for this trip but was looking for additional support from SGA. The Senate passed their grant request.

Butler Alliance also had a grant presentation. They plan to hold an event for Black History Month on the subject of Ballroom Dance and Drag. This event will bring awareness to the Alliance community as well as the Black Student Union. Their grant request for this event was passed.


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